
Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, and hope fosters peace. Education is the mother of leadership. Education remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Nelson Mandela rightly said,’ Education is the most essential weapon to change the world.’ Education plays an ample role in the development of an individual and makes him a knowledgeable citizen. Education is a vital tool which is used in everyone’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes man the most intelligent creature on the planet. It empowers humans and gets them ready to face the challenges of life efficiently. It enhances the commercial scenario and benefits the country overall. So, the higher the level of Education in the country, the better the chances of development are. Education is a must for both men and women equally, as both make a healthy and educated society. Highly educated people become the base of developed countries. Proper education makes the bright future of both the individual and the government. Only educated leaders build the nation and lead it to the height of success and progress. Education makes people as perfect and noble as possible.

Good Education gives many purposes to life, such as enhancement of personal advancement, increase in social status, increase in social health, economic progress, success to THE nation, set goals of life, make us aware towards many social issues and solutions to solve even the grave problems.

An educated society caters for the needs of its children, students, youth, and elders and strives for development, taking everybody into account. Education brings change and helps individuals understand their rights and responsibilities toward their families, society, nation and world. It allows an individual to view the world and situation from a different perspective and fight against violence, injustice, corruption and other mis happenings. It makes a person more stable and wise.

Education teaches a person to be self-sufficient. It brings equality to the society. Education is necessary for individuals. Educated individuals are the assets of any nation. Through them, a country advances as Education removes the barrier of mindsets, provides knowledge and information and makes a person well-mannered.

Education makes a person socially, mentally and intellectually strong as it increases knowledge level and improves technical skills. It is a tool that benefits throughout the life. Nobody can deny the importance of Education. Education is a utility. Education is power. A better learning future starts with Education. It is a human right. The person who reads only grows. It brings opportunities for limitless learning. It replaces an empty mind with positive thoughts. It puts people on the correct path. Education is the best way to improve people. It makes society free from myths and taboos. It is a key to victory and freedom from all sources. Education is a power and makes a person influential. It replaces pessimism with optimism. It changes your lousy today into a promising tomorrow. It is the biggest luxury. It is that valuable thing which one can’t snatch from you. Neither smartphone nor internet; only education can make you the best. Education determines the future of a person. It can lead to the world you need. For every problem’s solution, the only tool is education. It opens the door for you to learn and grow more. Education is like a sword; it will help you to conquer the world. It takes us to the height of success. Education is a pleasant journey from darkness to light. Money and time invested in education returns with reasonable interest rates in future. Education helps increase the critical and analytical thinking of a person and makes him rational, which in turn becomes very helpful in practical life.

In conclusion, Education is essential for everyone to succeed and earn respect and recognition. We must bring education awareness equally in every area for better growth and development throughout the country. Some people are uneducated and live harrowing lives because of a lack of knowledge and skill. Should we try to have equal opportunities and a sound Education system for everyone, whether in rich or poor regions? We must balance the facilities of Education for all to bring equality among people.
Always bear in mind,

By Reena Malhotra(TGT English)